
There are 6 products.
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items
  • ORTHOFER (6% Fe EDDHA - 5.2% O-O)

    Orthofer (6% Fe EDDHA - 5.2% O-O) 5kg bag - Cardboard 5X5Kg

    42,50 €
  • FOLIAREL (6% Fe EDDHA - 4.8% O-O)

    FOLIAREL (6% Fe 4.8% EDDHA- O-O) 5kg bag - Cardboard 4X5Kg Used in organic farming

    39,25 €
  • QuelaCROPS Fe

    QuelaCROPS Fe EEC fertilizer type E.1.4.b- Iron chelate (chelating agent DTPA) Participates in the process of photosynthesis To combat iron chlorosis And fully available to the plant Rapid effect of revegetation and stimultation photosynthetic activity

    44,00 €

    MANGAFER Composition / L: 60g Fe EDTA  + 20g Mn EDTA MANGAFER is a specialty to bring plants both nutrients essential for plant growth: iron and manganese. To ensure proper availability and to avoid antagonism between iron and manganese, these elements are in chelated form.

    70,00 €

    IRON E-13 Composition: 13% EDTA Fe / kg Iron chelate soluble developed for the prevention and correction of deficiencies in iron. Used in organic farming.

    7,60 €

    FEROMAX 90L90g / L Fe EDTASoluble iron chelate developed for the prevention and correction of deficiencies in iron.Used in organic farming.

    70,00 €
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